Valhalla will be using the Accelerant Rules System, with some modifications. Below, you'll find some relevant character creation details and header summaries, but the full rules for Valhalla character skills are available in our Skills Booklet! For your reference, please feel free to download the Accelerant Core Rules.

To create your character in our character database, click here for access to our online character creator (which should be fully functional by April 9, 2010). If you have not accessed the character creator before, you will need to click the 'Request a Login' link on the login page, and one will be set up for you.

For more information on the game and to receive regular announcements, please join the game group. Players who have questions about the game should contact Donna Griffin for answers.

Character Histories
Valhalla characters must fit four broad criteria. These restrictions are intended to promote the atmosphere we think will be appropriate for the game. The criteria are:

  1. Your character must have worshiped the Aesir gods. Whether you called him Odin, Wotan, Wodun or Wodenaz, the intent is to have worshipped the god we call Odin in this game.
  2. Your character must be from a time period when the Aesir gods were widely worshiped. For the purposes of this game, this covers a time span from as early as the first century BC, through the height of the Viking age and ending in the 11th century AD.
  3. Your character must be from an area where the Aesir gods would have been worshiped. This massive area extends from the British Isles to Russia down to the Mediterranean and much, much more.
  4. Your character must have died doing something heroic enough to draw the attention of the Valkyrie.

Please see the Resources page for reference documents that you might find helpful.

No matter when in time your character comes from, all characters begin the game on their arrival to Valhalla. Why would characters from throughout history all arrive at the same time? This is a secret that only playing the game will reveal.

The Valhalla staff encourages thorough and richly developed character histories, but in order to qualify for the additional 1 CP, you must provide an easy reference version no more than 1 page long. This easy reference version should include the major plot elements of your history as well as names, dates and any goals you may have had in life or that may have followed you to the afterlife. Also, please include what you enjoy as a player; it is easier for us to entertain you if we know what you like to do.

Character Points (CP)
As is standard for games based on the Accelerant rules system, players use their CP to purchase skills for their characters, which they then use in-game at events. All characters begin the game with 25 CP. Players can earn additional CP in the following ways:

  1. Submitting a character history = 1 additional starting CP
  2. Donating props or time = 1 CP for 3 hours of labor or $25 of prop value. Please contact Ben Becker at if you want to make or donate props. All donations must be pre-approved to earn a CP award.
  3. Attending an event = 1 CP
  4. Helping with set-up Saturday morning before the event = 0.5 CP
  5. Helping with clean-up Sunday after the event = 1 CP. You must stay until all clean-up is completed or the staff member in charge of clean-up informs you that you may leave. In addition to CP, players who stay overnight or return by 8 a.m. for Sunday clean-up receive a $20 cash refund for the event.
  6. Submitting a post event letter (PEL) within 2 weeks of the event = 0.5 CP.
  7. Staffing an event at any Accelerant game. Valhalla accepts CP exchange with any Accelerant game.

Shield Warrior
A combatant skilled with bladed weapons and shields, this stalwart knows the value of having stout oak strapped to one arm.

Axe Warrior
A master of the classic Viking weapon, this warrior can bring two blades to bear at once and knows how to cut through the shields some warriors depend on.

Spear Warrior
Sacrificing both shield and second weapon for the reach of a two-handed spear, this warrior can strike with a deadliness that inspires epic songs.

A master of the deadly strike from a distance, these warriors often face the swiftest enemy attacks, for only a fool leaves an archer to fight unmolested.

Among the heroic dead are some whose rage is their armor, and whose fury is their strength. They are the berserkers.

Healer (Seidr)
These wise healers revere nature and the spirit world, guiding and healing those without the gifts they possess.

The art of the warrior begins with the art of those who craft their weapons, and the smiths of Asgard craft their weapons to be as strong as their hearts.

These potent warriors bind the elements to their will. The howling cold of winter and the rumbling thunderstorm are their weapons.

Keepers of lore and song, skalds inspire the heroic dead to even greater deeds with tales of the heroes who came before them.

These heroic dead are particularly strong in their faith in the Aesir gods, and the gods reward their faithfulness with wondrous blessings.