September, 2010

The Hall, Left Side

The Hall, Right Side

Odin's Throne

The Mead of Poetry

Valkyrie Spear Sconce

Bifrost Bridge Marker

Bifrost Bridge Marker Close Up

A Vanir Skald Brags for His Champion

The Vanir Form the Shield Wall

Mimir, God of Wisdom

The Vanir Protect Their Hostage

The Vanir Form the Shield Fortress

Mimir Loses His Head

Mimir's Head

Ceolwulf Challenges a Foe

The Heroic Dead Prepare the Shield Wall

The Vanir Shield Wall Prepares to Charge

The Shield Walls Collide

Shields Are Splintered!

Aeslif Valiantly Wields the Sword of Tyr

The Heroic Dead Press the Attack

A Fallen Seidr

The Heroic Dead Decide the Fate of Njord, God of the Sea

Ygrimn the Frost Giant and His Jotun Horde