2011 Event Dates
The campaign will run four events during the 2011 season, on the following dates:

May 21, 2011

July 30, 2011

August 27, 2011

October 1, 2011

Valhalla games are one-day events. Expect all the excitement and adventure of a full weekend, packed into one fantastic day!

This may be different from other games you've attended. But trust us, it's just as much fun - and you get to enjoy it with far fewer hassles than a weekend-long event. Now, we're certainly not suggesting anyone give up weekend-long LARPs - we love 'em too! But we think you'll find there are big advantages to one-day LARPing, whether you LARP all the time, only occasionally, or haven't come out in years. Read more about the one-day format.

Although game ends on Saturday night, staff stay through Sunday morning for clean-up. Players and NPCs are welcome to stay over with the staff on Saturday night, at no cost. Players and NPCs who want to earn a substantial CP bonus - and, in the case of players, save significant money off their event cost - are welcome to help us clean up Sunday morning.

Event Cost
Event attendance: $70
Event attendance with cleanup: $50

Players who help with clean-up receive a $20 cash refund (in addition to CP) at the completion of clean-up. Players must be onsite by 8:30 AM on Sunday for clean-up. We will be finished and off the site by 11 AM sharp.

Click on the 'Pay Now' button below pre-register for an event. During the registration process, please indicate your name and which event you're registering for.

Special new player price -- $25! If you are attending your first Valhalla event as a player, please enter your name and use the button below to get the ultra-discounted event price of $25.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Ben Becker.

Event Location
Valhalla events are held at YMCA Camp Lincoln, at 67 Ball Rd, Kingston, NH. To get driving directions, click View Larger Map, then click Get Directions on the maps page that opens:

View Larger Map

YMCA Camp Lincoln has ample, very well-maintained sleeping accommodations for players wishing to stay over Saturday night. During game hours, all players are also welcome to store personal belongings in designated sleeping cabins. Simply ask at check-in which buildings are available for player use.

Event Times
Please take note of the following times for PCs and NPCs. All times are on Saturday (except clean-up).

  • Player Check-In: 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. (Late arrivals, please check in at HQ.)
  • NPC Check-In: 8:00 - 10:00 a.m. (Please be on site by 10 a.m.!)

  • Game Start: 11:00 a.m.
  • Game End: 12:00 a.m. (Midnight)

  • Clean-up Sunday: 8:30 - 11:00 a.m.

Arrival Logistics
Upon arrival, players should drive all the way up the camp driveway to the main building and park in front.

** For the first event only (May 2010), check-in will be down on the main field in the small open building. Please do not come in to the main building/pavilion area at all before game start (we want you to be surprised!) Also just for the May opener, please gather for player opening information at 10:15 at the main field check-in building. **

For all other events, park at the main building and come around the front of the building to the pavilion for check-in. Check-in staff will help you with your character card and any skill updates or questions you might have. If you want to store food, clothing or personal items in a camp building for the day/overnight, check-in staff will direct you to available cabins.

After checking in, you can drive to a designated cabin to drop off your gear. Please stay on camp roads only (don't drive across any fields). If it's wet or muddy, please drive only as far as the main building; don't use any other camp roads.

Once you've stowed your gear, please park in the main parking lot. As you drive back down the camp driveway, the main lot will be about half-way down on your left.

Change into costume, and gather at the pavilion at 10:30 for player opening. Be prepared for - well, anything - promptly at 11 AM.

Event Format

You want to LARP -
Fights through the woods, wild adventures, cool costumes, roleplaying, hanging out with friends, years of war stories to tell...

But you don’t want to deal with the downsides -
A weekend completely consumed, a week of exhaustion and recovery, sacrificing family time, losing free weekend time, staying up too late, sleeping in freezing cold or abominable heat on a hard mattress, dealing with rustic facilities, hassling with food on a camp site...

Time to rebalance the LARP scales.

Valhalla’s new game format is designed to make LARPing easier - on players, on staff, on NPCs. For many current, former, and would-be LARPers, priorities such as work, family and limited time make it increasingly difficult (if not impossible) to come to events. Have you ever been caught between the fun of LARPing and the demands of other real-life priorities? If so, Valhalla's new one-day format is designed just for you.

All our events are now Saturday only. Events begin at 11 AM and end at Midnight sharp. They are jam-packed with all the fighting, roleplaying, adventure and fun of a full weekend. Here's what you can expect:

  • Start game fresh and happy, after an easy drive at a reasonable hour. No more rushing to site through Friday traffic, starting game exhausted at 10 PM after a long week of work when all you want to do is sleep.

  • Go home Saturday night, and get your Sunday back! No more losing your weekend to a LARP. Spend time with your family and friends, work on your house, do your other hobbies. In other words, enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  • No late-night LARPing = no exhaustion. No more catching up on sleep for a week. Have a fun weekend, go back to work refreshed and relaxed.

  • Sleep in your own bed (unless you want to sleep over on site), plus hot showers and breakfast at home. No more sleeping in a cabin. But you’re still LARPing, and having a great time!

  • Get every bit of the action and excitement of a full LARP weekend - all packed into one glorious day. Sacrifice none of the fun of LARPing. And no more "filler" plot or dead spots with nothing to do. All rich, high-quality adventure, all the time!
Ben and the Valhalla staff were around when LARPing was in its infancy. No sleep, no food, all adrenaline all weekend worked for us then. Now with jobs, families, busy lives - these things can make LARPing seem harder and harder. Enter the one-day format, and now you get it all: time for life, and time for LARPing.

It was our mission to make LARPing easy and accessible again - for all of us! Is it a mission accomplished? Tell us what you think!