Hark to the hammers falling, forges fiery as Musspelheim.
Not mail-web nor war-gear, but the hearts of heroes they fashion.
Let us tell of their triumphs in perishing, strength enduring past life’s end.
Hail the Heroic Dead, who have gained glory brighter than gold!

Raftered with spears, roofed with shields, the hall of Valhalla stands open for the heroic dead! Surely all have heard the skalds tell of those halls, where the chosen - whether fallen in battle or perishing in heroic fashion - feast by night, and by day prepare for the greatest struggle of all, when the fated time of Ragnarok comes at last.

But though a hero’s death may give rise to tales of glory, it does not bring an end to struggle or to battle. Who knows what other battles, what other challenges may await the heroes of Valhalla before the end? No doubt they will hone their skills and test their courage against one another as the sagas say. But will they also contend with the wicked giant-kin of Jotunheim, seek the favor of the lords of Asgard, or plumb the mysteries of the realms beyond Midgard, the land of the living? That tale, only you can tell...

Welcome to Valhalla, a live-action role-playing game set in the afterlife of Norse mythology. You can take the role of a great warrior, inspiring skald, master of lore, or other hero. Valhalla uses the Accelerant game system, and is being run by a seasoned team including staff members from Atlas Adventures, LIONE, Radiant Dragon and Pirate Island.

Valhalla will invoke the heroic ethos of the Norse myths and sagas, as interpreted by our staff, a realm where peaceful obscurity is much more to be feared than glorious death! Indeed, all player characters are presumed to be the heroic dead of one of the nations and times where the Norse mythos thrived.

As you will see from the following pages, though there are many types of warrior to be found in Valhalla, the ranks of the heroic dead are not solely confined to those who follow the way of arms. Only a brave end is required to enter the halls of Asgard. Though be warned, Valhalla is not a place of restful peace, and all those who dwell there will be required to aid in battle, even if they do not directly take up arms themselves!

The time is upon us - the horns summon all folk of high heart to be first to the struggle and to glory!