Interested in helping us bring Valhalla to life? We're looking for intrepid adventurers to staff this game, so if you've a valorous spirit and the will to fight, please email us at - we'll save a battleaxe and a swallow of mead for you!

Staffing is free and sleeping quarters are available for those who prefer to stay on site on Saturday night after the game. If you let us know you're coming in advance, we'll be sure to have some fun roles set aside for you. If you've never LARPed before and are looking for an introduction, staffing is a great way to get a feel for a game.

Upon arrival, NPCs should drive up the camp driveway and go left just before reaching the main building. Drive until you reach a parking area with several buildings; this is the NPC area. Park, and check-in with the HQ manager, Kat Alix-Gaudreau. She and many other staff will be running around getting ready to begin the event, so just ask for Kat. If you can, lend a hand getting the event ready, too - we can always use help! Please arrive no later than 10 AM to NPC. We'd love your help setting up as early as 8 AM.

If you plan to staff, please join the Yahoo! Group we have set up for communicating with and coordinating event staff. You can click the button to the right to request membership in this list (no players, please!) and receive news and updates about events as they approach. Or, you may send email to to request membership. Click to join Valhalla NPC List

Also, by staffing our game, you can earn CP towards all other Accelerant Games, including (but not limited to):

  • Aralis
  • The Calling
  • Endgame
  • Lost Eidolons
  • Madrigal
  • Seven Virtues

Campaign Staff Roster
Our Campaign Staff currently consists of the following noble warriors:

  • Ben Becker, Campaign Director
  • Kara Minotti Becker
  • Kat Alix-Gaudreau
  • Kim Beauchemin
  • Cliff Dike
  • Donna Griffin (Players may email game questions to Donna.)
  • Stephen Griffin
  • Gene Lejeune
  • Joel Lemieux
  • Taras Mauch
  • Scotty Nickles
  • Randy Pierce
  • Rob Rassman
  • Becky Sturtevant