
Valhalla characters must have lived in a time and place under Viking sway and must have revered the Aesir gods. The following documents will help players choose a time and place when their characters lived and understand more about the gods of Valhalla.

Players should note that while there are many versions, often conflicting, of Norse history and mythology, the information provided below is reliable and accurate for the Valhalla game setting. Regarding the traditional Norse mythological tales themselves, a character in Valhalla may be acquainted with one version of a story, which may well conflict with what another character from another land or time might believe. This is only to be expected of a culture transplated throughout far-flung locations over large spans of history. Beyond what is provided below, players should expect that the "truth" of any such legends might only be learned in Valhalla itself.

Gods of the Aesir
This document details the Aesir gods of Valhalla, including myths about them, their roles, interests and spheres of influence, and some historic details concerning their worship. Valhalla characters may be freely familiar with these legends, especially those concerning gods they may call upon via the Devoted header.

Dates and Locations of Viking Expansion
This document provides information about the many places around the world that experienced Viking influence, invasion or rule from as early as the 2nd century BC to the 12th century AD. Valhalla characters are unlikely to know the full extent of this information, but should at least be familiar with the place and time in which they lived.

The World Tree
This document shows a depiction of Yggdrasil, the World Tree. Central to Norse beliefs, Yggdrasil unites the 9 worlds, including Asguard, home of the Aesir gods and location of Odin's feast hall Valhalla, and Midguard, the human world.

Player Questions
Players with questions about the game should contact Donna Griffin.