
Are you wondering what Vikings wear?

Do you think you don't have any existing costuming you could wear at Valhalla?

Good news! The great thing about Viking-wear is it's very simple. Vikings did not wear fancy attire, and didn't have nearly the varied clothing of later Europeans. Viking clothing boils down to this:

  1. A simple tunic. This is usually a T-tunic, which is the simplest form of tunic to make and the cheapest to buy. Here are some you can buy online:

  2. Simple loose-fitting pants, like these:

  3. A belt:

That's all there is to a basic Viking costume: simple, functional, comfortable. If you've LARPed before, you probably have nearly all you need for a Viking character sitting amongst your costumes from other periods and uses. If you have a simply-cut shirt or tunic without much embellishment, a pair of loose-fitting pants, and a leather belt, that's all you need! Don't worry over making or buying an elaborate outfit.

The above clothing is equally appropriate for men and women. In Valhalla, men and women fight, drink, and speechify equally fiercely alongside one another, and they may (but don't have to) wear similar clothes.

On the other hand, ladies, if you'd prefer to wear a dress, of course go right ahead! A basic chemise or gown with a belt is perfect, or you could go with a simple apron-style or laced-front dress with a chemise underneath.

If you want to get even more Viking-y, it's all in the accessories. This is a great way to re-purpose old costuming too. Turn an otherwise Medieval, Renaissance, Roman, Greek or fantasy costume into a Viking one just by adding some accessories (just one or two will do the trick!):

Got an old cloak? Glue some fur or leather accents on it, and now it's a Viking cloak!

Got any bits of armor? Remember Vikings are raiders, and they routinely scavenged armor and weapons from all over. It's ok if your armor is from a "non-Viking" country, is incomplete, or mixes periods and styles - in fact, the more mismatched it is, the more realistic! Dig up your old chain mail coif or shirt, a leather headpiece or helmet, a leather jerkin, or some odd pieces of arm or leg armor.

In short, if you want to make or buy a new costume, go nuts! We can't wait to see it. But if you don't, save yourself tons of time and money by using this trick: repurpose whatever you have, and just change the accessories.

Hope this helps you get your Viking on. Happy Costuming!